1. Belitser SV, Martens EP, Pestman WR, Groenwold RH, de Boer A, Klungel OH.Measuring balance and model selection in propensity score methods.Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2011 Nov;20(11):1115-29. doi: 10.1002/pds.2188. Epub 2011 Jul 29.
2. Martens EP, Pestman WR, de Boer A, Belitser SV, Klungel OH. Systematic differences in treatment effect estimates between propensity score methods and logistic regression. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2008; 37(5):1142-1147.
3. Martens EP, de Boer A, Pestman WR, Belitser SV, Stricker BHCh, Klungel OH. Comparing treatment effects after adjustment with multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression and propensity score methods. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2008; 17(1):1-8.
4. Martens EP, Methods to adjust for confounding: propensity scores and instrumental variables, dissertatie, Utrecht 2007.
5. Martens EP, Pestman WR, de Boer A, Belitser SV, Klungel OH. Instrumental variables: application and limitations. Epidemiology 2006; 17:260-267.
6. Martens EP, Pestman WR, Klungel OH. "Conditioning on the propensity score can result in biased estimation of common measures of treatment effect: a Monte Carlo study", Letter to the editor. Statistics in Medicine 2007, 26;16:3208-3210.
7. Klungel OH, Martens EP, Psaty BM, Grobbee DE, Sullivan SD, Stricker BHCh, Leufkens GM, de Boer A. Methods to assess intended drug effects of drug treatment in observational studies are reviewed. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2004; 57:1223-123.
8. Martens E.P. en Y.M.R. Weijers, Integratiemonitor 2000, Rotterdam, ISEO/EUR, 2000.
9. Odé, A.W.M., en Martens, E.P. Langzaam hoger op de ladder. Economische Statistische Berichten, 85 (4272), 2000.
10. Vogels R, P. Geense E.P. Martens, De maatschappelijke positie van Chinezen in Nederland, Van Gorcum, Assen, 1999.
11. Martens E.P., Minderheden in beeld. Kerncijfers van de survey SPVA 1998, Rotterdam, ISEO/EUR, 1999.
12. Martens E.P., Klaar voor de start: de opvang van zij-instromers in het Nederlandse onderwijs, Rotterdam, ISEO/EUR, 1998.
13. Martens E.P. en J. Veenman, 'De betekenis van generieke en etnisch-specifieke factoren bij de verklaring van achterstand van etnische minderheden', in: Mens en Maatschappij, Amsterdam University Press, febr. 1998, p. 62-73.
14. Martens E.P., Minderheden in beeld. Kerncijfers van de survey SPVA 1994, Rotterdam, ISEO/EUR, 1995.
15. Veenman J. en E.P. Martens, Achter de feiten aan. De werkloosheid van allochtonen in Nederland, onderzoek in opdracht van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, Rotterdam, ISEO/EUR, 1994.
16. Smeets H.M.A.G., E.P. Martens, Th. Roelandt en J. Veenman, Jaarboek Minderheden 2001, Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum/Koninklijke Vermande, Houten/Lelystad, 2001 (ook 1994 t/m 2000).
17. Martens E.P., Th. Roelandt en J. Veenman, Minderheden in Nederland. Sociale Positie en Voorzieningengebruik van Allochtonen en autochtonen 1991; eerste uitkomsten en methodische verantwoording, Rotterdam, ISEO/EUR, 1992.
Publicaties als gevolg van statistische consultaties
1. Van Doorn B, Kok ET, Blanker MH, Martens EP, Bohnen AM, Bosch JLH, The natural history and predictive factors of voided volumes in older men: The Krimpen study. Journal of Urology, 2010.
2. Van Dorp S, Pietersma F, Wölfl M, Verdonck LF, Petersen EJ, Lokhorst HM, Martens E, Theobald M, van Baarle D, Meijer E, Kuball J. Rituximab treatment before reduced-intensity conditioning transplantation associates with a decreased incidence of extensive chronic GVHD. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, 2009 Jun;15(6):671-8.
3. Teske AJ, Prakken NH, De Boeck BW, Velthuis BK, Martens EP, Doevendans PA, Cramer MJ. Echocardiographic tissue deformation imaging of right ventricular systolic function in endurance athletes. Eur Heart J. 2009 Apr;30(8):969-77.
4. Wilting I, Fase S, Martens EP, Heerdink ER, Nolen WA, Egberts ACG. The impact of environmental temperature on lithium serum levels. Bipolar Disorders, 2007; 9:603-608.
5. Vinck A, Terlou M, Pestman WR, Martens EP, Ram AF, van den Hondel CA, Wosten HA. Hyphal differentiation in the exploring mycelium of Aspergillus niger. Mol Microbiol, 2005 Nov;58(3):693-9.
6. Schep NW, Stavenuiter MH, Diekerhof CH, Martens EP, van Haeff CM, Broeders IA, Saris DB. Intersurgeon variance in computer-assisted planning of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy, 2005 Aug;21(8):942-7.
7. Schep NW, Heintjes RJ, Martens EP, van Dortmont LM, van Vugt AB. Retrospective analysis of factors influencing the operative result after percutaneous osteosynthesis of intracapsular femoral neck fractures. Injury, 2004 Oct;35(10):1003-9.
8. Van Wijk JP, de Koning EJ, Martens EP, Rabelink TJ. Thiazolidinediones and Blood Lipids in Type 2 Diabetes. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 2003 Oct 1;23(10):1744-9.
9. Samsom M, Vermeijden JR, Smout AJ, Van Doorn E, Roelofs J, Van Dam PS, Martens EP, Eelkman-Rooda SJ, Van Berge-Henegouwen GP. Prevalence of delayed gastric emptying in diabetic patients and relationship to dyspeptic symptoms: a prospective study in unselected diabetic patients. Diabetes Care, 2003 Nov;26(11):3116-22.
10. Sommeijer MJ, de Bruijn LLM, Meeuwsen FJAJ, Martens EP, Natural patterns of caste and sex allocation in the stingless bees Melipona favosa and M. trinitatis related to worker behaviour, Insectes Sociaux, 2003, 50(1):38-44.
11. Zondag CHJ, Blom AThG, Broekema WJ, Leemans L, Martens EP, Schobben AFAM. De introductie en het effect. Geneesmiddeleninformatie op een psychiatrische afdeling. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 2002, 137(11):390-396.
12. Te Velde EA, Martens EP, Fioole B, Draaisma W, Vogten JM, Van Diest PJ, Borel IHM, Rinkes D, Pringle maneuver during hepatectomy correlates with increased metastatic recurrence; A retrospective as well as experimental study, 2002.
13. Hoogeveen RC, Martens EP, Van der Stelt PF, Berkhout WER, Assessment of Random Error in Phantom Dosimetry with the Use of Error Simulation in Statistical Software.BioMed Research International, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 596858.
Medewerking aan proefschriften
1. Catherine F Weijnen, Helicobacter pylori infection and dyspepsia in primary care, Studies on diagnosis and guideline implementation, Universiteit Utrecht, febr. 2002.
2. Yolanda LS Smith, Yolanda LS, Sex reassignment, predictors and outcomes of treatment for transsexuals, Universiteit Utrecht, juni 2002.
3. Enikö Sajti, Behavior, Mood and immunity, april 2004.
4. A.N. Goudswaard, Diabetes care in general practice, mei 2004.
5. Irene van Bokhoven, Stability and Change of Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents: The Role of Neurobiological Factors, Universiteit Utrecht, sept. 2004.
6. Kaouther Ben Amor, Microbial Eco-Physiology of the human Intestinal Tract: A Flow Cytometric Approach, Universiteit Utrecht, sept. 2004.
7. Maurice Paulissen, Effects of nitrogen enrichment on bryophytes in fens, Universiteit Utrecht, sept. 2004.
8. Tong Xuan Chinh, Reproduction in eusocial bees (Apidae: Apini, Meliponini), Universiteit Utrecht, mei 2004.
9. Celina Cohen-Bendahan, Biological Roots of Sex Differences, A longitudinal Twin Study, Universiteit Utrecht, 24 febr. 2005.