Statistician and founder Statisticor
Edwin Martens completed his studies at the Erasmus University in 1989, where he then worked 13 years as a statistician/researcher
at the Institute for Sociologic-Economic Research at the
Erasmus University
Rotterdam (ISEO/EUR), led by
Prof. J. Veenman. In September 2000 he moved to
Utrecht University and worked there for over 8 years as a biostatistician at the
Center for Biostatistics, since July 2008 part of the
University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU). There he was involved in statistical consultation to researchers in these departments
and in statistical analysis of various databases. In addition, he teached statistics to students and research assistants in
Pharmacy, Biology and Medicine.
In 2007 he finished his
PhD-thesis at the department
Farmaco-epidemiology & Farmacotherapy at the faculty Farmaceutical Sciences at Utrecht University. The title of his thesis is
'Methods to adjust for confounding: propensity scores and instrumental variables'. Other publications can be found under
In 2009 he started his own company, Statisticor. He gives statistical advice and analyzes data
for companies, hospitals, organisations and individual persons. These can be short advices or long term projects. If necessary,
we seek collaboration with other experienced statistical offices.
curriculum vitae E.P. Martens |